Personal Projects

This page is the table of the content of the personal projects.

Check out the Projects highlighted in ORANGE!

Brushless DC Motor Self-Balance Bot

Design and built a self-balancing robot with ESP32, MPU6050, AS5600 magnetic encoder, BLDC motor with encoder, and cascade PID.

4 Feet High Ferris Wheel

Designed and built a 13.7 kg Ferris Wheel with PETG. Passengers are from McDonald’s Disney 100 Anniversary Happy Meals.

ROS1 Bot

SLAM and Navigation with Noetic ROS1, Gmapping, Cartographer, AMCL, TEB Local Planner

Navigation with three points.

ROS2 Bot

SLAM with Foxy ROS2, microROS, and slam-toolbox.

Two-Wheel Self Balancing Robot

Design a self-balancing robot with ESP32, MPU6050, ultrasonic sensor, servos, DC motor with encoder, and cascade PID.

Quadcopter Flight Controller

Design a flight controller for a quadcopter with Teensy 4.0, MPU6050, and cascade PID.

Battle Bot

  • Aim for the Champion!

XXAMP Apache and WordPress

  • How was this website built?

Commuting Caster Board (WIP)

Skateboards are hard to maneuver, countless gaps are trying to tip over you, and I play caster board (rip stick) much better than a four-wheel skateboard. I want to find a solution to travel faster and easier on campus.

LM555 and Flight Light

1 Hz super bright LED flight light.

Rear Camera Mount

Installing a camera on the back of my car.

Build a Website with Yunohost

It’s convenient but also has limitations.

Window Blind Fix

Fixing the broken part and reinstalling to the window frame.

Bathtub Shelf

Put more things near the tub without keeping falling.

Bathroom Shelf

Item storing solution near the bathroom sink.