Course Project: AT319 Lab 13 The Final Project

I. Intro

Date: 04/19/2023

This project will simulate real problems from gathering data to outputting results with everything we have learned so far. DJI Mavic 2 Pro, Pix4D Mapping, and ArcGIS Pro were used. 

II. Gathering Data

A. Site and Weather Conditions

Site Condition:

Figure 1: Site Condition at PWA

Weather Condition:

  • Cloud Cover: 5%
  • Wind Direction: SE
  • Wind Speed: 11 km/h
  • Temp: 15 deg C

B. Flight and Mission Information

a. Flight Information:3

  • Location: PWA
  • Date: 04/19/2023
  • Vehicle: Mavic 2 Pro AI
  • Sensor:DJI Mavic 2 Pro Camera
  • Battery: Mavic 2 Pro
  • Flight Number: 1
  • Takeoff Time: 10:57
  • Landing Time: 1118
  • Altitude (m): 120
  • Sensor Angle: 80
  • Overlap: 80%
  • Sidelap: 80%

b. Crew

  • PIC: Dingming Lu
  • VO: Karl Oversteyns

C. GCP Placement and Collection

Five Aeropoint GCPs were used. They were placed and turned on with an order of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then turned off and picked up with 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Then we open a hot spot at the field and uploaded the data to the server. 

Go to Appendix Section A to see actual GCP placement in the field.

Figure 2: GCP placement order

D. Flight Mission

Figure 3: Mavic 2 Pro in mission.
Figure 4: Flight Completed.

E. ​GCP Data Upload

A laptop is connected to a hotspot of a cell phone and meanwhile creating local hotspot called “propeller” to let the GCP upload the data to the server.

II. Pix4D Process

A. Import Data

Referring to previous labs (eg. week 9 lab 8), 297 pictures were added. Also, GCP points (Northing, Easting, and Orthometric height ) were extracted from the CSV file which was downloaded from the Aeropoint server.

Figure 5: GCP data was imported into Pix4D Mapping
Figure 6: Pictures and GCPs were added.

B. Initial Processing

 Uncheck 2 and 3 → Start. After Initial processing is finished, check if the image quality is good or not.

Figure 7: Initial Process is done.

C. GCP Calibration

Click each GCP and calibrate them on the right plane. 

Figure 8: Calibrate GCP on the map.

D. DSM and Orthomosaic

Reoptimize, and run 2 and 3.

Figure 9: Result has high accuracy.
Figure 10: Entire process is done.

III. ArcGIS Pro Analysis

A. General Overview

The folder with Orthomosaic and DSM data were connected to the ArcGIS Pro project folder. 

A polygon was created to extract the analysis area. Extract by mask and hillshade tools were used. 

Figure 11: Map 1: Flight area and GCP placement of the final project. This was only a part of the flight area.
Figure 12: Map 2: The actual GCP locations in the field.
Figure 13: Map 3: Compare DSM data and the ortho view.

B. Classification

Figure 14: Map 4:  Initial Classification.
Figure 15: Map 5: fix the errors by reclassify the area. 
Figure 16: Map 6: extract the roads from the classification by reclassify the layer and assign a value. 

C. Analysis

We need to find these areas:

  1. Requirement 1:
    • Grass that  within 20 meters of the road 
    • And 20 meters away from trees that are more than 10 meters high
  2. Requirement 2:
    • Grass that is 20 meters away from the road
    • And 20 meters away from trees that are more than 10 meters high

To do this, we need to find trees that are more than 10 meters high by using when the DSM data is larger than the elevation + 10 meters. 

Then convert raster road to polygon -> create 20 m buffer -> clip -> convert back to raster -> reclassify to have both 1 and 0.

Then convert tall trees to polygon -> create 20 m buffer -> clip -> convert back to raster -> reclassify to have both 1 and 0.

Extract the field from the classification.

To achieve part 1, we need the logic of (Area 20 m away from trees ) AND (Road buffer) AND (Field).

To achieve part 2, we need the logic of (Area 20 m away from trees ) AND (Area other than Road buffer) AND (Field).

Figure 17: Map 7: use raster calculator to find the area that the elevation are higher than 10 m AGL. 
Figure 18: Map 8: The field is one of three elements in the logic.
Figure 19: Map 9: Road buffer is the second element needed in the logic.
Figure 20: Map 10: The tree buffer is the third element needed in the logic.
Figure 21: Map 11: Combine three conditions, the orange area satisfy the first requirement.
Figure 22: Map 12: Road buffer also need to be classified into 1 and 0. 
Figure 23: Map 13: Combine three conditions, the orange area satisfy the second requirement.

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