Course Project: AT30901 Lab 10 ArcGIS Pro Map Creation

I. Intro


We used ArcGIS Pro to make maps. This soon became important in AT31900.

Key Elements of a Map:

  1. North Arrow
  2. Scale Bar
  3. Locator Map
  4. Watermark
  5. Metadata

II. Map Creation in ArcGIS Pro

1. Use “Insert” to create a “New Layout”, and use the tools in the insert to add the elements. 

Figure 1: The main map is edited in a new map window. 
Figure 2: The final map outcome. A scale bar for the locater map is also added. 
Figure 3: The final map outcome with zoomed in GCPs on the ground. 
​Figure 4: The final map outcome at PWA. This mapping missing was done during lab 3 

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