Course Project: AT30901 LAB 04 Pix4D Mapping

I. Intro

Date: 09/26/2022

We used Pix4D Mapping to create a large picture of the whole area. 

II. Preparation

1. Copy the images into a folder: lu807_091922_PEA_plot5 → 1_Collection → images

2. Open Pix4D Mapping → create a new project → name it lu807_091922_PEA_plot5_noGCP_122meters

3. Browse the folder → lu807_091922_PEA_plot5 → 2_Processing

4. Next

5. Import the images → Selected Camera Model → Edit → Camera Model Parameters → Shutter Model → Linear Rolling Shutter → OK

5. Check if the images are geotagged.

6. Next >

7. Output/GCP Coordinate System → Known Coordinate System [m] → From EPSG → 6345 → NAD83(2011) / UTM zone 16N (Projected, Meters)

8. Next >

9. Standard → 3D Maps → Finish

Figure 1: Ready to start processing

III. Initial Processing

1. Processing Options → 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index → Raster DSM → Method → Triangulation

2. OK

3. Uncheck 2 and 3 → Start.

4. After Initial processing is finished, check if the image quality is good or not. 

Figure 2: After initial processing is finished.

IV. Point Cloud and Mesh and DSM, Orthomosaic and Index

Uncheck 1, check 2 and 3 → Start. 

Figure 3: After DSM is finished.
Figure 4: After Point Cloud is finished.
Video 1: A flying through shows the area.

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